Monday, January 31, 2011

Of Gels and Such

In my main video class last quarter, students were divided into groups to practice 3-point lighting for interviews. I felt super confident, because I'd done it so many times before. I set up the hairlight, clipping a folded gel to the barn doors. Soon after, the teacher walked in to check our set up and make suggestions.

"One thing," he commented as he unclipped the gel that I had laboriously placed, "be careful that gels don't get too close to the light. They melt. Like this." He held up the gel, displaying a lovely stickiness where the corner of the sheet used to be. "Yup. That's all." He walked off to take care of what used to be a gel and check on the next group.
What a relief- he didn't ask who did it.
Eh heh heh. Good times.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fun Times At School

Right now I'm taking a class called Digital Acquisition and Editing, where I get to work with students from other media departments. It's great learning to collaborate on assignments. My "team" of five people for this quarter is awesome. We've got two video majors (another guy and myself), a photography major, a graphic design major, and a radio broadcasting major. Not only do we get along well; and have awesome synergistic creativity!
(thanks to my photographer friend/teammate, Inna, for the photo!)